Become a volunteer

We are lucky to have a marvelous team of nearly 200 volunteers whom weekly volunteer their time lending a helping hand at the shelter.

You wish to reach the volunteer team at Proanima?

Have a look at the various volunteer postings offered and fill out the Volunteer Application to be placed within our waiting list.

Volunteer presence within our organization
is precious.

They are at the heart of our mission and permit us to accomplish difficult tasks in a timely fashion.

What are the volunteer criteria?


Avoir l’âge minimal requise. (Veuillez noter qu’il y a présentement plus de 2 ans d’attente pour les bénévoles mineurs).


S’engager pour une plage horaire stable (bloc de 3h00 déterminé) à chaque semaine ou aux 2 semaines et pouvoir respecter cet engagement pour un minimum de 5 mois.


Valider les critères spécifiques requis pour chaque poste bénévoles.

Here are some other ways to be a great help at the shelter.

  • Faire un don monétaire au refuge en suivant ce lien
  • Organiser une collecte de fond
  • Make a donation of items needed such as cat food, and new items-not yet used to not require disinfection.
  • Talk about us with your circle of friends and family and share our posts on your social media.

You can get more detailed information regarding our Volunteer Program by contacting

Fill out the Volunteer Application Form

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