I found an animal

What should I do?

If you find a domestic animal in one of the municipalities we serve, someone for sure is looking for them. You can contact us as soon as possible. The processing of calls is done according to the level of urgency.

What to do if you find a domestic animal.

Brown and white dog outdoors, on the grass.
A domestic animal which is aggressive, hurt or in danger.
  1. Do not come in contact with the animal.
  2. Make sure that everyone nearby and the animal are safe. Do not place yourself in danger if the animal seems to be aggressive.
  3. Contact us immediately. Outside of our working hours please contact 911.
White husky dog outdoors.
For a dog;
  1. If they have a Proanima tag or medallion contact us immediately.
  2. If they have any other type of identification you can try to contact the owner yourself – they will be very grateful!
  3. You can bring the animal to the shelter during our opening hours. We can also come pick the animal up. You have only to contact us.
  4. Outside of our working hours keep the animal in a safe place and contact us as soon as our offices open. If possible, confine the animal within a fenced area (backyard), a cage or a room, ensuring they have adequate food and water.
  5. If you are not able to approach the animal; contact us so that we can know their location so we can pick them up.
Brown spotted cat outdoors in the forest.
For a cat;
  1. If they have a Proanima tag or medallion contact us immediately.
  2. If they have any other type of identification you can try to contact the owner yourself – they will be very grateful!
  3. You can bring the cat to the shelter during the hours we are open. We can also come pick the cat up only if they are confined. We can not go looking for the cat. If required, you may rent a cage and trap the cat so that it may be sheltered.
  4. Outside of our working hours keep the animal in a safe place and contact us as soon as our offices open. If possible, confine the animal within a fenced area (backyard), a cage or a room, ensuring they have adequate food and water.
Calm kitten on a couch.
For Kittens;

Have you found one or more kittens outside? You will find here many useful suggestions.

What should you do if you find kittens outside

1. Set them up in a safe area.
For example, place the kitten in an isolated area with blankets and cushions within a cardboard box. The spot you choose should be calm and away from your other animals (if you have any).

2. Warm the kitten
This is a very important step. Without their mother, a kitten younger than 4 weeks is fragile and not able to keep their body heat-an essential condition for their development and their ability to eat. If they are without a mother; use blankets or ideally a Magic Bag available at a veterinary or animal store. If needed, raise the temperature of the room.
Ideal body temperature.

  • 4-6 weeks of age: 37.7 – 38.3 C
  • 6-8 weeks of age: 37.7 – 38.3 C

3. Feed the Kitten
Follow the guide according to the estimated age of the kitten.
The kitten aged 0 to 21 days.

  • Less than 7 days old; eyes are closed, ears are folded, umbilical cord still present.
  • Age 7 to 14 days; eyes are open, ears are slightly unfolded, no umbilical cord.
  • Age 14 to 21 days; straightened ears, front teeth present, clumsily try to walk.

For the first 21 days, the kitten must eat every 3-4 hours a formula specially formulated for kittens and with the help of an adapted feeding bottle. You may find everything necessary at animal stores or veterinary clinics. Caution: never give cows milk to a kitten. This type of milk is not appropriate for kittens and may lead to diarrhea and many health problems.

The kitten is 21 days old or more.
From 21 to 28 days; the kitten explores with more confidence, can retract their claws and canine teeth are present. As of their 4th week of life, you can give the kitten 4 times a day, wet cat food which has been diluted with a bit of water. If the kitten will not eat then you will have to offer them the feeding bottle (see explanation above)

An indication of good nutrition is their regularly gaining weight. Use a kitchen scale to weigh them to verify if they are gaining sufficient weight.

4. Keep them clean
The mother stimulates the kitten to urinate and defecate regularly. Kittens need to be stimulated until the age of 3 weeks and they should be stimulated after each meal. A kitten should urinate each feeding time and should defecate at least once a day. Urine will appear yellow, pale/transparent and stool is yellow/brown with a soft texture somewhat like toothpaste. After each meal, GENTLY rub their stomach and genital area with a cotton ball or a lukewarm water-moistened gauze. If the kitten will not take the feeding bottle and the stomach seems to be swollen, try to stimulate urination and defecation BEFORE their meal. You can also try to have the kitten burp by lightly tapping them on their back. If the kitten inhales a lot of air while taking the bottle it may be necessary to stimulate burping afterwards and additionally stimulate urination and defecation.

5. Beware of microorganisms
Kittens are very fragile and risk developing infectious illnesses. Wash your hands before and after looking after kittens. Ideally, use special clothing just used in the kitten area. Avoid contact with animals which are not vaccinated or that go outside.

How to recognize a kitten's age


The kitten must be well positioned during mealtime. NEVER PLACE A KITTEN ON THEIR BACK WHILE THEY ARE TAKING THEIR BOTTLE. Simply because a badly positioned kitten can breathe in the milk into their lungs instead of swallowing the milk resulting in pneumonia and/or death. Kittens are the most comfortable when they are in the same position as when they are taking their milk from their mother. To provide this position place the kitten flat stomached on a blanket. If the kitten is agitated, it is possible to swaddle (gently wrap) the kitten in a small towel.

How to bottle feed kittens

Think of a few things;

  • their socialization: at about 3 weeks of age kittens need exercise and to play with their brothers and sisters. Socialization with humans can also start at this age. The socialization critical period for a kitten is between the ages of 4 to 12 weeks. Provide safe toys and play with them at least once a day. (Never use your fingers instead of toys)
  • Consider having the kitten sterilized and vaccinated or be assured that the future family will. As we do not want to contribute to the feline overpopulation problem by having them reproduce.

Contact the animal service of your municipality. Do not leave the kittens in the wild as this contributes to feline overpopulation and gives them little chance of survival.

Kittens of less than 2 months of age have less chance of leaving a shelter without the presence of their mother. The kitten’s immune system is very vulnerable, and therefore they can easily become sick. By keeping the kittens for a couple of weeks and socializing them you help the shelter enormously by alleviating the number of vulnerable animals being admitted to the shelter- for kittens an environment which can be very stressful for them. Experiencing kittens growing up at home is a beautiful experience. Kittens only ask for a place to call home, some food and lots of love!

Does the cat really need your help?

Here are a few indications which may help you know if the cat really needs your help;

  • Do they have a beautiful coat?
  • Do they seem to be healthy?
  • Do they seem to be in good condition?

If you answer yes for all of these then it is highly possible that they are simply a visitor and therefore it is preferrable to not feed them or bring them to the shelter. They will return home by themself.

Cat with flowers, lying in the grass.
Cat with flowers, lying in the grass.

I found a wildlife animal

What should I do?

We suggest you read our page on wildlife animals. You can contact us as soon as possible. Calls are processed according to the level of urgency.

I found a dead animal

What should I do?

If you are a citizen of one of our cities and you have seen a dead animal, please report it by filling out this form. We will contact you as soon as possible.